We Focus on Sustainable Rural Development.
Nascent Prospects is a locally rooted organization committed to catalyzing a powerful and rapidly growing community of grassroots women and girls to engage and improve their quality of life and that of their communities.


We envision a society where grassroots women and girls become a powerful influence in how they are governed, contribute meaningfully in the development of their communities and drive social change.


Our mission is to empower grassroots women and girls to collectively engage the public and political spheres, starting with women's practical economic needs and social norms at the village level, and building up to national agendas. We do this in pursuit of women’s rights; inclusive, accountable, and responsive governance, and sustainable development. We leverage technology, religion, culture, and political connections, to raise the voices of women across generations and across the country for maximized impact on these issues.

Covid-19 Statement

The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has affected thousands of lives across Kenya and globally.

Our Activities

Our Impact in Numbers

WEP App Registered Members
5000 +

Equipped with Civic Education
3000 +

Young Girls Reached with MHM Products
500 +